Synergieeffekte zwischen E-Mobilität und Photovoltaik-Potenzialen

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis



The ongoing climate change leads to worldwide efforts to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. One of the main emitters is the transport sector, which is responsible for over 16% of global CO2 emissions. The switch to e-mobility can contribute significantly to the decarbonisation of this sector, if the required electricity is covered by renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic or wind energy. These fluctuating renewable energy sources in combination with the increasing energy demand pose new challenges for the power grid. In this thesis, the synergy effect between e-mobility and the use of PV potentials are investigated using the example of the distribution grid of the medium-voltage level of the city Leoben. The grid load is considered over a period of one year in order to consider seasonal effects as well as daily fluctuations. Since the determination is based on time-resolved annual load flow calculations, the complex grid structure has to be simplified by applying a cellular approach to allow the analyses of a variety of scenarios (variation of user behaviour, penetration of e-mobility as well as photovoltaic potential, charging power and charging strategy). These scenarios are evaluated in terms of the residual load and energy related key performance indicator such as the degree of self sufficiency, degree of self generation and self-consumption ratio. The results show that significant grid overloads only occur from a penetration of more than 60 % photovoltaic expansion or 60 % e-mobility. This indicates a robust distribution grid at the medium-voltage level for the city of Leoben. The influence of charging powers higher than 11 kW has less influence on the number and duration of overloads in the medium-voltage grid than expected. By applying different charging strategies, controlled and uncontrolled, these overloads can be reduced in certain grid regions, but at the same time increase in others. The residual load increases with increasing e-mobility, while it decreases with increasing photovoltaic penetration. An increasing penetration of photovoltaic expansion with a constant penetration of e-mobility also means that the degree of self sufficiency and degree of self generation rises, while the self consumption ratio decreases. The influence of the applied charging strategies on the energy related key performance indicator is minor. When integrating e-mobility in combination with PV potentials into an electrical grid, it is necessary to determine an optimal power and energy balance between energy demand and production. Only in a balanced system, overloads can be avoided and the energy related key performance indicators can be increased.


Translated title of the contributionSynergies between e-mobility an photovoltaic potentials
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
Publication statusPublished - 1800