Magnesia refractories with non-oxide components

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

Organisational units


Magnesia refractories are used in a wide range of pyroprocesses due to their high refractoriness and the high resistance against basic slags. However, disadvantages of magnesia refractories are their brittleness and their low resistance against silica based melts and slags. Therefore, new, ceramically bonded magnesia refractories should be developed with a low brittleness, on the one hand, and an increased corrosion- and infiltration resistance against silica based melts, on the other hand. The addition of novel components should fulfil these requirements but the production of these samples was more complex than expected. Within this thesis, however, adequate compositions and ways of production for magnesia refractories with novel components could be determined and the positive influence on the brittleness was verified.


Translated title of the contributionBasische Feuerfestbaustoffe mit nichtoxidischen Komponenten
Original languageEnglish
  • Harmuth, Harald, Assessor A (internal)
  • Šajgalîk, Pavol, Co-Supervisor (external), External person
Publication statusPublished - 2011