Wolfgang Kern
- 2016
Herstellung und Recyclingfähigkeit von Kunststoffverbunden
Wolfgang Kern (Speaker)
3 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Application oriented research in the field of polymer engineering and science
Wolfgang Kern (Speaker)
19 Jan 2016Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Invited talk
Application oriented research in the field of polymer engineering and science
Wolfgang Kern (Speaker)
18 Jan 2016Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Invited talk
Film formation and network characteristics of thiol-ene elastomers
Sandra Schlögl (Speaker), Marie-Luise Trutschel (contributor), Walter Chassé (contributor), Ilse Letofsky-Papst (contributor), Raimund Schaller (contributor), Armin Holzner (contributor), Gisbert Rieß (contributor) & Wolfgang Kern (contributor)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Smart Photoswitchable Composite Materials for Selfhealing and Recycling Strategies
Simone Radl (Speaker), Thomas Grießer (contributor), Manuel Kreimer (contributor), Andreas Oesterreicher (contributor), Wolfgang Kern (contributor) & Sandra Schlögl (contributor)
2016 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
- 2015
Design of Elastomer Surfaces with Spatially Controlled Tribological Properties Applying Photolithographic Techniques
Jakob Cornelius Manhart (Speaker), Andreas Hausberger (contributor), Inge Mühlbacher (contributor), Raimund Schaller (contributor), Armin Holzner (contributor), Wolfgang Kern (contributor) & Sandra Schlögl (contributor)
2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Design of Stimuli Triggered Smart Composite Materials with Enhanced Recyclability and Selfhealing Properties
Simone Radl (Speaker), Thomas Grießer (contributor), Manuel Kreimer (contributor), Andreas Oesterreicher (contributor), Wolfgang Kern (contributor) & Sandra Schlögl (contributor)
2015 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Flexible Epoxy-Based Composites with Enhanced Delamination Resistance
Sandra Schlögl (Speaker), Dietmar Lenko (contributor), Sabine Bichler (contributor), Gerhard Lemesch (contributor), Werner Ladstätter (contributor), Franz Ramsauer (contributor) & Wolfgang Kern (contributor)
2015 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Formation of 3D structures in offset printing techniques by UV induced foaming of inks
Sandra Schlögl (Speaker), Martin Reischl (contributor), Volker Ribitsch (contributor) & Wolfgang Kern (contributor)
2015 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Photoreversible crosslinking of elastomer materials
Jakob Cornelius Manhart (Speaker), Doris Darya Fleischmann (contributor), Santhosh Ayalur Karunakaran (contributor), Andreas Oesterreicher (contributor), Thomas Grießer (contributor), Wolfgang Kern (contributor) & Sandra Schlögl (contributor)
2015 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk