Rainer Lechner

Publications / Theses

  1. 2015
  2. Published

    Considerations on the model-free shape retrieval of inorganic nanocrystals from small-angle scattering data

    Burian, M., Fritz-Popovski, G., He, M., Kovalenko, M. V., Paris, O. & Lechner, R. T., Jun 2015, In: Journal of applied crystallography. 48, p. 857-868

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Epindolidiones-Versatile and Stable Hydrogen-Bonded Pigments for Organic Field-Effect Transistors and Light-Emitting Diodes

    Glowacki, E. D., Romanazzi, G., Yumusak, C., Coskun, H., Monkowius, U., Voss, G., Burian, M., Lechner, R. T., Demitri, N., Redhammer, G. J., Sunger, N., Suranna, G. P. & Sariciftci, S., 4 Feb 2015, In: Advanced functional materials. 25, 5, p. 776-787

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Impact of the Core/Shell Structure of Nanocrystals on the Optical Output Revealed by ASAXS and WAXS

    Lechner, R. T., Ludescher, L., Dirin, D. N., Fritz-Popovski, G., Kovalenko, M. V. & Paris, O., 2015.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Ion electrosorption in nanoporous carbon supercapacitors studied by in operando SAXS

    Prehal, C., Weingarth, D., Perre, E., Lechner, R., Amenitsch, H., Paris, O. & Presser, V., 2015, In: ELETTRA Highlights. 2014/2015, p. 32 - 33 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Tracking the structural arrangement of ions in carbon supercapacitor nanopores using in situ small-angle X-ray scattering

    Prehal, C., Weingarth, D., Perre, E., Lechner, R. T., Amenitsch, H., Paris, O. & Presser, V., 2015, In: Energy & Environmental Science. 8, 6, p. 1725-1735

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  7. 2014
  8. Published

    Air-stable organic semiconductors based on 6,6'-dithienylindigo and polymers thereof

    Glowacki, E. D., Apaydin, D. H., Bozkurt, Z., Monkowius, U., Demirak, K., Tordin, E., Himmelsbach, M., Schwarzinger, C., Burian, M., Lechner, R. T., Demitri, N., Voss, G. & Sariciftci, N. S., 2014, In: Journal of materials chemistry / C. 2, p. 8089-8097

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Crystal Phase Transitions in the Shell of PbS/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals Influences Photoluminescence Intensity

    Lechner, R. T., Popovski, G., Yarema, M., Heiss, W., Armin, H., Schülli, T., Primetzhofer, D., Eibelhuber, M. & Paris, O., 2014, In: Chemistry of materials. 26, p. 5914-5922

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Magnetic-field-induced ferroelectric polarization reversal in the multiferroic Ge1-xMnxTe semiconductor

    Przybylinska, H., Springholz, G., Lechner, R. T., Hassan, M., Wegscheider, M., Jantsch, W. & Bauer, G., 2014, In: Physical review letters. 12, p. 047202-1- 047202-6

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  11. 2013
  12. Published

    Self Assembling of Colloidal Nanocrystal Solids investigated by in-situ synchrotron SAXS studies

    Prehal, C., Amenitsch, H., Heiss, W., Yarema, M., Paris, O. & Lechner, R., 2013.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

  13. Published

    Shape Retrieval from Colloidal Nanocrystals by SAXS

    Burian, M., Yarema, M., Popovski, G., Amentisch, H., Heiss, W., Paris, O. & Lechner, R., 2013.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review