Harald Raupenstrauch

Publications / Theses

  1. 2015
  2. Published
  3. Published
  4. Published

    Numerical investigation on inner particle effects in Lycopodium/Air dust deflagrations

    Spijker, C. & Raupenstrauch, H., 2015.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

  5. Published

    Numerical investigation on inner particle effects in Lycopodium/Air dust deflagrations

    Spijker, C. & Raupenstrauch, H., 2015.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearch

  6. Published

    Numerical investigation on inner particle effects in Lycopodium/Air dust deflagrations II

    Spijker, C. & Raupenstrauch, H., 2015.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

  7. Published
  8. Published
  9. Published
  10. Published

    Processing of low zinc containing steel mill dusts with the RecoDust-Process

    Geier, B., Raupenstrauch, H., Reiter, W. & Pilz, K., 2015, 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking (ICS2015).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  11. Published

    Pyrometallurgisches Recycling von Stäuben aus der metallurgischen Industrie mit dem RecoDust-Prozess

    Geier, B., Raupenstrauch, H., Reiter, W. & Pilz, K., 2015, Mineralische Nebenprodukte und Abfälle 2. Thomé-Kozmiensky, K. J. (ed.). Vol. 2. p. 503-512

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterTransfer