Christian Mitterer
- 2019
Synthesis and characterization of sputtered(Ti,V)B2 hard coatings
Christian Mitterer (Speaker), Velislava Terziyska (contributor), Michael Tkadletz (contributor), Lukas Hatzenbichler (contributor), David Holec (contributor), Vincent Moraes (contributor), Andreas Lümkemann (contributor), M. Morstein (contributor) & Peter Polcik (contributor)
22 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Nanomechanical investigation on lateral fcc-w phase fields of a partially decomposed and transformed nano‑lamellar CVD fcc‑Ti0.2Al0.8N coating
Michael Tkadletz (Speaker), Alexandra Lechner (contributor), Nina Schalk (contributor), Christian Saringer (contributor), Bernhard Sartory (contributor), Christian Mitterer (contributor) & Christoph Czettl (contributor)
21 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Angular resolved mass-enery analyses of Ni+ and W+ in a d.c. magnetron sputtering plasma
Martin Rausch (Speaker), S. Mraz (contributor), Patrice Kreiml (contributor), Megan J. Cordill (contributor), Jochen M. Schneider (contributor), Jörg Winkler (contributor) & Christian Mitterer (contributor)
20 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Bending of Al/Mo bilayers on polymer substrates with varied Al layer thickness
Patrice Kreiml (Speaker), Martin Rausch (contributor), Velislava Terziyska (contributor), Jörg Winkler (contributor), Christian Mitterer (contributor) & Megan J. Cordill (contributor)
20 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Bio-inspired strategies for controlled deformation and toughening of nanostructured ceramics by compositional, grain-boundary and interface design
Rostislav Daniel (Speaker), Christian Mitterer (contributor), Michael Meindlhumer (contributor) & Jozef Keckes (contributor)
6 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
The sputter performance of an industrial-scale planar Mo-target over ist lifetime:target erosion and film properties
Martin Rausch (Speaker), Asaf Sabag (contributor), Karl-Heinz Pichler (contributor), Georg Gruber (contributor), Judith Köstenbauer (contributor), Harald Köstenbauer (contributor), Patrice Kreiml (contributor), Megan J. Cordill (contributor), Jörg Winkler (contributor) & Christian Mitterer (contributor)
1 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Microstructure, phase composition and mechanical properties of CVD Ti(B,C)N hard coatings
Christina Kainz (Speaker), Nina Schalk (contributor), Michael Tkadletz (contributor), Christian Mitterer (contributor) & Christoph Czettl (contributor)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Microstructure, phase composition and mechanical properties of CVD TiN/TiBN multilayer hard coatings
Christina Kainz (Speaker), Nina Schalk (contributor), Michael Tkadletz (contributor), Christian Mitterer (contributor) & Christoph Czettl (contributor)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
- 2018
Combinatorial use of electron microscopy and atom probe tomography for the investigation of the high temperature stability of a nano lamellar Ti1-xAlxN coating
Michael Tkadletz (Speaker), Christina Hofer (contributor), Nina Schalk (contributor), Christina Wüstefeld (contributor), Mykhaylo Motylenko (contributor), David Rafaja (contributor), Christian Mitterer (contributor) & Christoph Czettl (contributor)
8 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Advanced characterization of microstructure, stress state and thermo-mechanical properties of nanostructured materials by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Rostislav Daniel (Speaker), Michael Meindlhumer (contributor), Juraj Todt (contributor), Stefan Klima (contributor), Nikolaus Jäger (contributor), Hynek Hruby (contributor), Andreas Stark (contributor), Manfred C. Burghammer (contributor), Christian Mitterer (contributor) & Jozef Keckes (contributor)
26 Sept 2018 → 28 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk