
Organisational unit: University

15951 - 15960 out of 18,502Page size: 10


  1. 2007
  2. Symposium „Chemie der Kunststoffe“

    Gisbert Rieß (Invited speaker)

    24 May 200725 May 2007

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  3. Symposium „Chemie der Kunststoffe“

    Nicolai Aust (Invited speaker)

    24 May 200725 May 2007

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  4. Quality Control by Artificial Vision, QCAV 2007, 8th int. Conference

    Paul O'Leary (Invited speaker)

    23 May 200725 May 2007

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  5. SF2M Tagung in Paris

    Wilfried Eichlseder (Keynote/plenary speaker)

    23 May 200724 May 2007

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  6. Institut für Physik, MUL

    Christina Scheu (Speaker)

    22 May 2007

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  7. Ceramics International : CI (Journal)

    Robert Danzer (Peer reviewer)

    21 May 2007

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  8. Fachtagung Forum Prävention - Fachtagung des Arbeitskreises Sicherheitstechnik

    Robert Galler (Speaker)

    21 May 200724 May 2007

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  9. Kooperation TU Clausthal - MU Leoben

    Leonhard Ganzer (Invited speaker)

    21 May 2007

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  10. Materials science and engineering A (Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing ) (Journal)

    Thomas Antretter (Editor)

    21 May 2007

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  11. 2nd Workshop of “Neogene of Central and South Eastern Europe”

    Reinhard Sachsenhofer (Speaker)

    18 May 2007

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference