Department Metallurgy

Organisational unit: Departments & Institutes


  1. Staatspreis für die besten Diplom- und Masterabschlüsse

    Steinacker, Stephan (Recipient), 30 Nov 2015

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  2. The HZG Magnesium Research Award

    LI, Jiehua (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  3. Universitätsforschungspreis der Industrie 2012

    Pogatscher, Stefan (Recipient), 6 Sept 2012

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  4. Young Scientist’s Paper Award 2019

    Hofer, Dominik (Recipient), 19 Jul 2019

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  5. Zweiter Platz beim INTECO ASMET AWARD

    Riedler, Michael (Recipient), 10 May 2016

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

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