Chair of Structural and Functional Ceramics (410)

Organisational unit: Chair


  1. 1. Preis studentischer Redewettbewerb

    Staudacher, Maximilian (Recipient), 29 Mar 2021

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  2. AuCerS Student Speech Contest

    Kaufmann, Benjamin (Recipient), 5 May 2019

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  3. Bernd Rode Award 2016

    Lube, Tanja (Recipient), 15 Feb 2016

    Prize: National/international honour

  4. Best Oral Presentation

    Bermejo, Raul (Recipient), 1 Dec 2016

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  5. Best Paper Award 2008

    Bermejo, Raul (Recipient), 23 Jun 2008

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  6. Best Poster Award

    Bermejo, Raul (Recipient), 20 Mar 2012

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  7. Forschungspreis für Simulation und Modellierung 2012

    Pletz, Martin (Recipient), 20 Nov 2012

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  8. JECS Trust Oral Competition

    Kaufmann, Benjamin (Recipient), 11 Sept 2018

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  9. Max-Kade Award 2016

    Bermejo, Raul (Recipient), 9 Jun 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

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