Sigrid Missoni
Veröffentlichungen / Abschlussarbeiten
- 2015
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Presence of rare earth metals in Late Triassic Hallstatt Limestones, Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria, Germany)
Missoni, S., Gawlick, H-J., Onoue, T. & Prochaska, W., Juni 2015, 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Abstract book. Kraków, S. 350Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Middle Triassic radiolarite pebbles in the Middle Jurassic Hallstatt Mélange of the Eastern Alps: implications for Triassic-Jurassic geodynamic and palaeogeographic reconstructions of the western Tethyan realm
Gawlick, H-J. & Missoni, S., 2015, in: Facies. 61, 19 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Ophiolitic detritus in Kimmeridgian resedimented limestones and its provenance from an eroded obducted ophiolitic nappe stack south of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria)
Gawlick, H-J., Aubrecht, R., Schlagintweit, F., Missoni, S. & Plasienka, D., 2015, in: Geologica Carpathica. 66, S. 473-487Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
- 2014
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Carnian-Norian palaeo-seawater and tectonostratigraphy of an open-marine Hallstatt limestones section in the Budva Zone (Montenegro)
Missoni, S., Gawlick, H-J., Richoz, S., Gorican, S., Prochaska, W., Gratzer, R., Lein, R. & Krystyn, L., 2014, 19th International Sedimentological Congress, Abstract book. S. 504-504Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Geochemistry and tectonostratigraphy of a Carnian-Norian open-marine Hallstatt limestones section in the Budva Zone (Montenegro)
Missoni, S., Gawlick, H-J., Richoz, S., Gorican, S., Prochaska, W., Lein, R. & Krystyn, L., 2014, Pangeo Austria. S. 142-142Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Isotope stratigraphy, organic geochemistry and crush-leach analysis of the Late Triassic Raibl group (Julians Alps,NW Slovenia)
Vrsic, A., Missoni, S., Gawlick, H-J., Bechtel, A., Prochaska, W., Gratzer, R., Smuc, A., Gorican, S. & Rozic, B., 2014, 19th International Sedimentological Congress, Abstract book. S. 724-724Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Mass-transport deposits, olistostromes and soft-sediment deformation in modern and ancient continental margins, and associated natura hazards
Festa, A., Dilek, Y., Gawlick, H-J. & Missoni, S., 2014, in: Marine Geology. 356, S. 1-4Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Microfacies analysis, isotope stratigraphy, organic geochemistry and crush-leach analysis of the Late Triassic Raibl Group (Julian Alps, NW Slovenia)
Vrsic, A., Missoni, S., Gawlick, H-J. & Smuc, A., 2014, PangeoAustria. S. 217-217Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Ophiolite obduction as cause for the Middle to Late Jurassic tectonic processes in the Northern Calcareous Alps - ophiolitic detritic material in Kimmeridgian calcareous basin sediments (Saalach zone)
Gawlick, H-J., Missoni, S., Aubrecht, R., Schlagintweit, F. & Plasienka, D., 2014, PangeoAustria. S. 58-58Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Radiolarite events in the western Neotethyan realm in Triassic-Jurassic times
Gawlick, H-J., Missoni, S. & Suzuki, H., 2014, Pangeo Austria. S. 59-59Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband