Chair of Materials Physics (430)

Organisational unit: Chair

1 - 10 out of 1,129Page size: 10


  1. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde (Journal)

    Dehm, G. (Peer reviewer)

    1 Jan 200531 Dec 2005

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  2. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde (Journal)

    Dehm, G. (Peer reviewer)

    1 Jan 200631 Dec 2006

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  3. YUCOMAT 2010, MRS Serbia

    Kiener, D. (Speaker)

    5 Sept 2010

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  4. Yaqiang Wang

    Kiener, D. (Host)

    1 Oct 201630 Sept 2017

    Activity: Hosting a visitorHosting an academic visitor

  5. XXIV. Verformungskundliche Kolloquium

    Dehm, G. (Speaker)

    26 Feb 20053 Mar 2005

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  6. XXIV. Verformungskundliche Kolloquium

    Fischer, F. D. (Speaker)

    26 Feb 20053 Mar 2005

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  7. XX International Materials Research Congress, Sociedad Mexicana de Materiales

    Liegl, W. (Invited speaker)

    14 Aug 2011

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  8. XTOP 2016

    Keckes, J. (Invited speaker)

    5 Sept 2016

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  9. XTOP 2014

    Kirchlechner, C. (Invited speaker)

    15 Sept 201418 Sept 2014

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  10. Xth International Conference on Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science, FEMMS 2005

    Dehm, G. (Speaker)

    25 Sept 200530 Sept 2005

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

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